JK Lingerie

JK Lingerie consists of a online business built in Shopify. Product being sold is lingerie. The process included a video as the splash page.

San Diego Haulers

San Diego Haulers is one of my best works. It consisted of strategically placed buttons for mobile responsive design in which the call to action is on the splash page.

A Perfect Shine

A Perfect Shine is a cleaning business that has been in business for more than 20+ years. Help setup and manage their wordpress website and hosting making sure everything is up to date at all times to run efficiently at receiving customers and the clients it needs to stay in business.

Mindful Recovery

Mindful Recovery is one of my latest works. It entails a website meant for those in recovery from substance abuse. With many great resources and community for those looking to get help.

Bright & Shine

Bright n Shine is my latest project to help another cleaning service business grow in the city of San Diego.